The Ice Palace

We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Bunch Of Thank Youz

We raised $1118.00 For The American Cancer Society!

This could not have been done without the help of some very important people!

Lisa: My daughter who not only helped me plan a luau, for 25 people. Helped clean the house, decorated, moved furniture, made food, and entertained guests... also took the last 6 hours of the thon for me when my migraine headache kicked in. I love you more than cake.

Derrick: My son, for all the great song picks when I was able to go live on the station. For helping me get everything cleaned up and set up, and helping me today to get out of bed to make these posts! I love you more than chocolate.

Luka: For all of the work she put in at the station to make blogathon work for us. From the schedule to the bumpers, to all the camtastic fun and games she provided during the thon! You rock my socks!

Jen: I know you just wanted to be under the air conditioning, but you blogged for a huge portion of the thon while you were here on air, and that was great. All, while bar tending! I could not have done that without you! I love you more than your salsa!

Monty: For just being one of the sweetest, funniest, best friends I could have in the whole wide world, and just for being you! I love you more than dead monkey dessert!

Jeckles: For making me laugh at myself... and you... but mainly me. Luv ya!

Pan-Raven: Everything you did for the station, the bumpers, the fun, and the general laughter you provide me every day! You are super awesome with sprinkles!

SG: Even though you weren't able to come down and be part of the madness, you called me 115 times during the day. You made me laugh, and you made sure I wasn't having a melt down, and for that I *heart* you more than Monkeys!

Clark: For being a great dad to Derrick, a great friend to me, and the best station support I could ask for... ready to be a jock now? *grin*

DJ Toxik: For taking the last shift of blogathon and rocking the house!

This year I would like to also thank the new friends that we made at blogathon!

Michael: We had a lot of fun with you on the blogs, and the station! I hope we will see a lot more of you!

Colin: Did you ever end up naked? We really loved watching you rock out to the station on the cam! I can't wait for more colin adventures!

Yoshi: I knew you before, but this year was better, and we had more fun! I think you are turning Japanese, I really think so!!

To All those people who sponsored me this year! YOU rock the hardest, because you gave YOUR money to help someone else!

List Of Sponsors

Now...with that... The Ice Palace will be closed for a while. I'll miss you! xoxox

One Day!

I thought maybe, just maybe we could have one day where we all worked together to make a difference, and help people, the causes and charities that all meant something to us.

Why? Why couldn't that happen? Why does it always have to be some big giant pissing contest about who is better at what?


There are millions of people on this earth, Millions of people & animals that need help. Millions of sick and dying people and animals, millions of children that don't get enough rice each day to feed them. In the grand scheme of things... does it really matter who does what better? NO!

There are millions of internet radio stations out there, if you listen to ours great! If you listen to someone else's great... it doesn't matter. It's not a contest... It's not a war... It's not who does what better. We all do this music thing because it's what we love. I doubt anyone starts a station just to "get back at the other person" cause ya know what? IT IS a lot of work, and time, and money...

There are million of blogs out there, if you like mine... super. I don't write about politics, religion, or deep brooding issues because my blog is a silly blog, that's just what *I* like to write... if you don't want to read it. Fine. Go read a different one! Give WebKittyn a read. Give Jeckles a read. Give Monty a chance. How about Yoshi, Or Queenie? Seriously...

Iceprincezz's helpful advice:
If you don't want drama, stay away from it.
Drama breeds hate, and hate breeds all kinds of bad things.
Remove people from your life who are "shit stirrers"
Stay away from people and things that make you sad.

If we learned anything from yesterday, it's that life is way too short to worry about petty things.

The End is here!!!!

I had a blast and decided to do one more, I did another one but its not posting. I worked hard on it but I just wanted to share a little story with you all:

I never got to my grandfather as much as I would want to, but I know that he had to of been an amazing man. I have heard stories and that is how I base my relationship with him. I know that the people he left behind are crazy about him and that he was a great person inside and out. I am so tired but if this money that we helped raise could go to helping another child meet their grandfather or other family member and build a relationship because this foundation is finding cures or something, then it is SO worth it. SO thank you, I don't know for what quite yet but thank you.

Remember to hug your love ones and God bless you all!


Philippians 4:4

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice!"

I think this is 49... Don't know why

So I just started crying because I am so happy that I am almost done, I have NO CLUE why there are more than 48 blog posts, honestly I don't care why either. My body is aching, I am freezing, I am hungry, thirsty, I am starting to zone out, I want to curl up into a little ball now but 1 more post to go. I think... OH I DON'T KNOW!

Who cares, what matters is that at 6am I am done and going to walk over to the couch and sleep, not even going to attempt the stairs. Nuh uh. Couch. Me. Sleep. Right now though water sounds great. I must find something to drink my mouth feels like cement.

Mom, I know you will be reading this and it is 4:38am and I hope you are having the best FREAKIN sleep of your life.

The lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. I keep hitting my funny bone (which isn't very funny)

OK, I am becoming worn out beyond all measure. I can still type pretty good which is what is important with this whole project. Earlier I tried to walk away wearing headphones that were still attached to the computer. Didn't work out so well.

I have to tell you my SUPER sad story:

Remember how I said I needed something to drink well I went over to the bucket-o-drinks and looked for water and there was one more water left. So excited! I reach in and can feel the cold ice water surrounding it, by this point I actually have a smile from ear to ear and that is a lot considering how tired I am...anyways, I go to lift it out and it is 3/4 of the way gone. I was heartbroken. I cried on the inside. Who does that?! I bet it was the Thugs; they hate me. Sad day. What makes it even worse, I went to sit back at the computer then got back up and did it again. I suck.
No, what sucks is the fact that it is stupid o'clock in the morning. (I have been waiting to use that)

Hmmmmm..... almost time to post!


Fun facts about my charity (48)

Hey boys and girls.....

Its Story time!! I found some information about the charity I am donating to, well I'm not; you are.... but you might want to know this.

* Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

*ALL Cancer caused by tobacco and alcohol can be prevented COMPLETELY.

*The National Cancer Institute estimates 10.5 million American with an history of Cancer were alive in January 2003.

*About 1,444,920 new cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2007.

* 77% of Cancer cases are diagnosed to those 55 and older.

Wasn't that fun to learn about the chairty and what it does, well I guess you learned about the issue that the charity deals with... learn something new everyday?

1,000,000,007.. or so it seems.

Well bloggers,

This is it. This is the end. I am kinda sad, but so very excited to sleep. I have accomplished something and done it for a good cause. YES!

I hope that all of you out there had a great time and will have many memories that you can carry onto next year blog-a-thon. Maybe its like wine, it gets better with age. If that makes sense. I am kinda incoherent.

I want to leave you with something that all of you will read and now that this project is worth it.

I will tell you a story:

I didn't know my grandfather as much as I know, say my grandmother. I know him mainly from the stories. My mom from what I see thinks the world of him. My grandmother hears the song, The Dance by Garth Brooks and can't fight back the tears. I have never seen my grandmother cry, that means this man was something special. My mom told me the other day that my grandfather would be proud of me, because I live my life like everyday is my last, from what I understand my grandfather told my mom to do that before he died. I guess this is my way of saying thanks. I don't really know what to say thank you for but, I do know that my grandfather was an amazing man. I can't honestly say that I don't know this from personal expierence, because I don't. I know this by looking at what was left here. My mom and grandmother talk about him and there is a sparkle in their eye. I only see that when my mom talks about Lemax =). People that my grandmother know will talk to me and mention them and all the wonderful and amazing things and stories flow out. I don't know how this money, that we helped raise, will be put to use, but my greatest desire is that in some way, that it helps another girl know her grandfather. In that case then staying up till 6am is all worth it.

Have a great rest of your night or day!

Remember to hug your loved ones today and God bless you all!!


Philippians 4:4
" Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!"

(47) I about to vent loopy style....

Ok, I took over this shift thinking it wouldn't be that bad. I am doing something good that means alot to me, is it easy?! OH NO! It had to be hard and confusing and make me have to think. Whats up with that?! I am not supposed to have to think. This is stupid. Well Cancer is stupid, not raising money to help them.. what do they do.. I shall look that up and report it on my next blog post, anyways, the fact that cancer is around is stupid because I am still awake because cancer is around. If cancer wasn't around I wouldn't be awake.

I hate you Cancer.

46 Hopefully the judge people don't care about the numbering because then I am screwed... I tried really hard I did I did!

Well even though my eyes are ok there are a couple of signs that my attention is going away...

1. I messed up the order of these numbers, it was 41, 43, 42, 45 ,44

2. I was craving a Icee from AmPm

I think someone should get me one. Oh maybe even a donut.

I am just going to type words lets see what comes out:

end sabed the day bt rhe super hero . What happejs when you pujc... <--- eyes closed with only one hand. cool huh!

Oh no I am crazy now and I still have what 4?

Who did the numbering they screwed it ALL up

45 I don't think these are numbered right but does it really matter at this point?!

only 3 more hours........ I like pasta and milk and garlic bread

My toes were just purple.. don't think that is healthy. I am so cold. But it is keeping me awake so I will jsut warm my feet. The yawning just began but it is ok I am talking to my wonderful friends that are staying up with me. The rest of you suck LOL

I am starting to loose the idea of blogging. I am becoming SO RANDOM



Yeah someone I once knew is talking to me and wow.... boys grow up nicely. My mom is going to kill me for all of this. Mom,

I am going to say some cute things to you

I love you because you are funny
you are pretty
you are my mom.

Too much thought process.


I am kinda over this...

I like cheese whats your favorite food?

42 YES

I am continuing to talk to people to keep me busy. Its getting cold in here so that is a good thing, if I keep myself cold I should be able to stay up some. I am not giving up!!!!

I will post a picture on here.. . SNOW

41- I don't think these are numbered right

Well I am still doing good with my eyes not being too heavy, I am getting a lazy body. You know what I mean ? I am starting to get really achy... I don't want to sit up. I will get up and jump run in place real quick.
That makes me thirsty.. so what is everyone else doing I wonder.

I think a pen exploded on me. It was a booby trap by the thugs.

40- The longer it is until I need to post this, I add more and more things

If someone said 3 years from'd be long gone, I'd stand up and punch them out. Cause their all wrong, I know better cause you said forever and ever... who knew?

PINK YOU ARE GREAT. I am so loopy, its all good though.... the blog postings are getting random. I really want some milk.

I am on Myspace, no I am not addicted to Myspace like most people....

I keep your memory, you visit me in my sleep.....


I am not mad at him.

I just wanted to say that.

"Are you my greatest love or disappointment in my life?"

39.. Only 10 more... the number are all screwed up

Well.... I don't know what to talk about. Hmmmm.... I will ask you all some questions:

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is the last movie you saw that made you cry?

3. What is your most used bathroom thing?

4. What is your favorite liquid? (mine is milk.. mmmm)

Yeah thats it for just right now.


La la la la... I am singing. A song that hits close to home. Its a Pink song. Usually I don't like her.. love the color not her but this song.. WOW. You know those songs that just hit so close to home its like was this written for you?!

I am kinda almost done then I can ummm dance?!

Fellow bloggers,

Hang in there. Remeber that we are doing something for something so AMAZING.

I am starting to get loopy but its ok.

So mom, when you read this in a little bit when you wake up for the day... I'm sorry. =)


Hello all. 15 year olds should not start crap with my mom. She has a daughter that will bring it. I am a big girl and I am NOT afraid to use what my momma gave me.

On a happier note:


I am blogging for the American Cancer Society

In 1990 I lost my grandfather to Cancer (This is Lisa, remember) today I do this in honor of him!


Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is your trusty tour guide Lisa. Mom gave up.

I will NOT give up for the American Cancer Society for 2 reasons.

1. My grandfather died of cancer

2. My friend that I have know since 4th grade has had leukemia 3 times in his 16 years of life and has beat it all 3 times.

** I am not going to mention how tired I am on any more posts, I don't want to think of it. I am fine. Tomorrow I am going to the fair, yeah!**

35 and Monty's a hooor

well it rhymed.

Monty really rocks... BUTTTTTTTTT It ryhmed! Dammit!

I wish I was drunk and giving away prizes... just saying!

34 Party people In Da house!

Yeah, That's how we roll! Yo!

The madness has started(33)

yes yes my son is wearing a blonde wig, and my daughter is wearing hooker shoes!

I am on my cam with a big floppy hat because I thought maybe it made me look a lot less tired and pissed off. I mean who wants to look like that?

Luka is just about to hit the air again for all you blogathoners! MPYR


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


OMG MY head hurts...

I wanna die. I do not wanna do this... seriously I have heat stroke and I feel like I am going to pass out.

well now I know why... Jen poured the drinks and seems to be a little heavy handed with the rum.. OMG I am hung over! This sucks!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

Post 31

Not only am I posting but you can see me on the AFTER party cam!

Ok so we are over half way there right? I am so tired... I wanna quit!


Ok man Lisa again..... I am tired and my knee hurts.. what are other people doing to stay awake tonight? I am thinking a shower and a nice soft bed sounds wonderful.. ok enough relaxing talk. Hows everyone elses blog??? So yeah... what the 411... oh no the crunkness begins.


OK Luaus are fun.... until you have to clean up after the damn party! OMG moving the tiki bar out of the back yard was a really bad idea... and now that we have to move it back in, my head hurts!!!!

I will be back in 30 minutes!

Until then why don't you tune into MPYR Radio


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

Limbo! 28

I was just outside hosting a rousing game of limbo! This is the best Blogathon ever!!!!

I'll post some pics later!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


This is quite a fun little activity. This is Lisa again and 30 minutes later I am still bored. Go me. Hmmm if I go outside I sit in those chairs and start to fall asleep..... I am so tired. I'm not even the one blogging yet I got up because I was asleep in the living room and at 6 am mom came down with her music on and lights on... wasn't too excited about that. =( I'll take a nap tomorrow morning at like 3 or 2 am it will hit me and I will be a royal cranky.. you know what. Ok, well what else.. .maybe something exciting that I can tell you about will happen between the time I finish typing and hitting the "publish post" button. Lets see...

The question of the day should I go to the lake tomorrow or.... the fair with my guy friends? So far the jury says the lake.... but I don't have my suit. So Blog world... go to the lake with my moms friends or the fair with my friends before one of my guy friends goes to Costa Rica for 10 days..... Hmmmm I CAN'T DECIDE


Mike has an ukulele.. or something spelled like that... This is Lisa her wonderful and fabulous daughter. So Blog world.. how are you? I am listening to Beach Boys, the guys left sad day... That ok I was texting my other guy friend Chris its ok, I know you were worried.... Ta till next blog


Now I feel like a dead monkey...someone else take this over pleeeeeeaaaaase!!!

24 - Dead Monkey?!?!?!!?!

I was just given a plate of dead monkey!
It was actually pretty good...tasted like banana, pineapple, coconut, macadamia nuts, some kind of cookie crust with whipped cream and cherries on top. I thought it would have been more meaty...

I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.


Ok Time for me to do my own blog!!!

yay Pina coladas are fun, is colin naked yet?

(Wow...that was pathetic IceP! ~DJ Silver)


Hey guys...go check out Luka's blog at
She's playing truth or dare!!!
We'll try to come up with a fun game to play here too! Stay tuned...

I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

21 - PARTY!!!

Wow, there are a lot of people here!!! Everyone in the neighborhood is outside playing in the sprinklers, eating delicious cheeseburgers and drinking refreshing pina coladas with fresh's great, and we're doing it all for cancer! Wish you all were here!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


So...cannons are explosive.

This is Father Cory, otherwise known as Father Cory. You may address me as such...or Skipper. I am lingering around here at the main person's house, just a-chilling. Thus, don't worry about the disturbances that occurred.

You may be weirded out, but I'm all about helping cancer victims, 'cause stuff.

Enjoy your livings!

:: Father Cory, aka Father Cory


Ok I slacked a couple of minutes trying to sign off the radio show...multitasking is not my friend! Burgers are smelling good...I can't wait to get out there and start in on the snacks! Don't forget to listen to MPYR Radio... DJ Toxik is taking over as we speak and he always puts on a good show.


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


The party is starting to kick off now...what the heck have we gotten ourselves into???
People are showing up. Iceprincezz is all over the place, setting up the bar, setting up a table full of food, entertaining guests and supervising the firing up of the grill. This is blasty! And where are all of YOU???

I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


  • If you are a smoker, STOP SMOKING. Your local American Lung Association has books, videos, and group programs to help you quit for good.
  • The Lung Association is also offering a new way to stop smoking through its Freedom From Smoking® online smoking cessation clinic. Find out more by visiting the American Lung Association website at
  • If you are a nonsmoker, know your rights to a smoke-free environment a twork and in public places. Make your home smoke-free.
  • Test your home for radon.
  • If you are exposed to dusts and fumes at work, ask questions about how you are being protected. Don't smoke -- smoking increases your risk from many occupational exposures


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. Lung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, it might have been prevented -- 87% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are proven cancer-causing substances, or carcinogens. Smoking cigars or pipes also increases the risk of lung cancer.

The more time and quantity you smoke, the greater your risk of lung cancer. But if you stop smoking, the risk of lung cancer decreases each year as normal cells replace abnormal cells. After ten years, the risk drops to a level that is one-third to one-half of the risk for people who continue to smoke. In addition, quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing other smoking-related diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Many of the chemicals in tobacco smoke also affect the nonsmoker inhaling the smoke, making "secondhand smoking" another important cause of lung cancer. It is responsible for approximately 3,000 lung cancer deaths annually.



I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


DJ Silver's top 5 albums:
in no particular order...
Evanescence - Fallen
Ra- Duality
Slipknot - The Subliminal Verses
Within Temptation - The Heart of Everything
Disturbed - Believe

What are yours?


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


Just call me Greg...
Moving the tiki bar is fun.
Spiders are fun.
Hey...let's get this chat room


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

13 Where the Hell Is Silver?

I am almost done with my first radio show of Blogathon and Silver is spose to take over for me, and she is NOT here. Should I panic? Should I hit the vodka already?

Thanks Mango for stopping by the station and saying hi(to Monty)! xoxox

By the way for those of you who came to my blog right now to see what I had for lunch... I haven't eaten yet... so you are out of luck! :)

Oh and let's get
Colin naked shall we?

This post was brought to you by the letter "M", The number "7" and a small ferret!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


My son is 12 so I guess I can blog about him. He's weird. He's wearing a tiki mask and dancing about the house right now. I mean. I know I play some rocking tunes and all... but for real... LOL

So.... only a few more hourse of this, right? LOL Well if it makes you feel better I am tired too!

Come on into the chatroom and make a request!

OH and I hear that Colin will strip for sponsors! Those crazy UK guyz!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

Web Cam madness later today!!! Stay around for that!


OK if You haven't tuned into MPYR Radio yet... why not? We are the only station that will be liv during blogathon for the full 39 hours! So all of you people out there doing the B-Schedule, we are here for you too!

If you haven't visited some of the other fabulous bloggers yet, go ahead! Sponsor someone!

Need some people to Sponsor? I mean besides me of course....




I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

The Cute Neighbor(10)

OK so it's not a total loss that I shaved my legs!

My Cute, SINGLE Neighbor is coming to the party today, so maybe you know, after he sees my mad limbo skills he will be so impressed!! Maybe?

I would like to point out that this post was brought to you by the letter "G", The number "2" and a very small bottle of vodka!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!


Last year I made a lot of new friends during blogathon. Some of them turned out to be some people I will probably be friends with forever! Some... not so much! Don't you think it's important to have a wide variety of people in your life? In the last 4 months of starting MPYR Radio. I have learned so much about myself and the people that work really hard with me on this station. It's truly a blessing to have those kinds of people in my life.

If my father were here today I think he would be thrilled to see this. I think he would have wanted to be part of it. When I was young we used to sit in the living room with his old reel to reel tape recorder and pretend like we were on the radio. I was "The Desert Rat" since we lived in the high desert. It was a lot of fun then, and I guess that is really what I am doing with MPYR... just playing. You know what? If one person smiles hearing their favorite song on during the thon, well then we have done our job!

Go sponsor someone who is working really hard! Thank your monitor! Hug your family!

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OK Kids! It's post #8!

The good news is... I am on the air right now on MPYR RADIO.

The bad news is SG just called, and will most likely NOT be coming to see me. He claims he has some car trouble. This little radiator thing, he thinks he needs to get here. I called him a pussy!

Oh well... just my luck huh?

I guess I don't have to paint my nails now...


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

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777... Lucky Number 7

OK This will be short because I am just about to go live on MPYR Radio. I'll be your tour guide for the next three hours so join me in the chatroom and make a request! Or Go Visit Monty and show her some looooove!

How are all the thonners doing today? Anyone ready to quit yet? DO NOT QUIT! YOU can do it! Come on... stay with us!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

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Sexy Six... Grr Baby!

Jeckles : I put clothes on.... but I posted 5 all naked and stuff JUST for you!

*runs and hides from Monty*

Ok so I would like to give a big giant hug, and a huge thank you to a new friend!

Confessions Of A Hockey Fanatic

Go Say HI! Show some love, and make a new friend! I would like to say that Mike is just covered in awesome sauce!

OK Want to wake up? Want to have some fun?

Tune into MPYR Radio!

Come on in to The MPYR RADIO


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In 1990 I lost my father to cancer, today I do this in honor of him!

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FiVe FivE FiVe

I am tired already. Last night when I finally could get to sleep I was awakened by this lovely noise downstairs. It was in fact the sound the TV makes when the color bars come on so IF you fall asleep with the TV on, it will wake you up and you will turn it off. UNLESS of course you are Lisa, my daughter. The TV was inches from her, and I had to come all the way down stairs and beat her with an inflatable palm tree to turn it off. Well... she didn't turn it off, she rolled over and let me continue to beat her with the tree. I ended up having to turn it off myself, and when I turned around I wacked my leg on the table. I have a bruise. I will get revenge.

Monty, It only takes me two minutes to shave my legs!

Jeckles, At least I am clean!

I really need coffee! Why hasn't someone brought me Starbucks? I think my minions are slacking!

Party Update:
I finished the pineapple cake last night so I didn't have to do it today.
I would like to say watching my daughter opening coconuts was REALLLLLY scarey last night. She loved poking the little brown furry thing in the eye. She loved beating it with the hammer. Should I be afarid?

OK Want to wake up? Want to have some fun?

Tune into MPYR Radio!

Come on in to The MPYR RADIO


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

Posty Posty #4!

I would like to address Jeckles, otherwise known as Keckles Question in post #2.

He asked how in the hell I have time to take a shower. OK this is how it works.

* Post
* Run upstairs
* Get Naked
* Turn on water
* Jump In shower
* Wash Hair
* Rinse
* Shave Legs
* Condition Hair
* Rinse
* Dry Off,
* Grab Lotion and run down stairs in time to Listen to Luka on MPYR RADIO.
* Annoy Jeckles
* Post #3

Stay Tuned... I'll be painting my toenails in the next post!


OK so I am on Shower #1 already! LOL

In other news I would like to pimp out our new friend Amanda Over at! Come on show some love!

Monty: Yes there will be SG Stories as soon as SG gets his Happy Hiney here! He has about an 8 hour drive ahead of him so he should be here in time for shower number 6! YAY!

OK Want to wake up? Want to have some fun?

Tune into MPYR Radio!

Come on in to The MPYR RADIO


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In August of 1990 My father lost his battle with cancer. So today I blog in honor of him! Come on... sponsor me! You KNOW you want to!

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Post #2

OK for those of you who just started thin for the first time ever... that 30 minutes goes by FAST huh? Yeah I know! *giggles*

OK Want to wake up? Want to have some fun?

Tune into MPYR Radio!

Come on in to The MPYR RADIO


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

In August of 1990 My father lost his battle with cancer. So today I blog in honor of him! Come on... sponsor me! You KNOW you want to!

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And So It Begins...

It's PARTY Time!

This time last year I was filled with excitement, and I thought, piece of cake! This year I KNOW better. I KNOW that it's going to be hard for me. I predict a lot of showers, and cold water in the next 24 hours. You know what? It's definitely worth it though. Every single one of those people out there that are joining me today blogging away for their charity rock my socks! Yes, even the ones I don't know, and even the ones I haven't gotten along with in the last few months... why? Because they are doing something for someone else! They are making a difference. It may just be $5.00 that someone donated, but someday THAT $5.00 may make the difference in some one's life.

So Go Ahead and
sponsor someone.... even if it's not me. BUT... since you are here... drop a dime in the jar won't ya? In my next post I will tell you WHY I do this!


I am Blogging For The American Cancer Society.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Blogathon, Block Party, Extravaganza Somethingorother!

Yeah yeah you heard me... er read me

Yes, I did it again. I planned a party to go with the blogathon. Because I can never do anything simple. I have to go and do blogathon, the radio show, AND a block party barbeque that has turned into a tiki luau for 25 people. Oh and did I mention SG will be attending the 24 hours festivities?

I didn't want to piss of my neighbors (west side rulez! yo! <----I totally sound gansta there huh?) so I decided to invite all of them to the party except the thugs. I am all about making a statement, so I figure if I live through the weekend, I will have made a point. I did invite "my body guards" Jen & Juana, so I should be ok. Everyone else is pretty much on there own! *giggle*

I still have to get all the food & booze, prepare some of the food, last minute cleaning, relocate the tiki bar(which will include some dis assembly), and finish last minute decorations all before 6am on Saturday morning. I figure the only way I can achieve this little task is if I leave work pretty soon.

There is only one problem with this little theory. Some clown in bright yellow crocs (OMG just throw them away NOW!) is moving to India, and I have to wait for him to have all of his CRAP loaded up and delivered to my warehouse before I can escape. That means I may have to work a full day. I know... whatever will I do? There are some days I hate my job... this is one of those days.

In other news...
* My hamster I got for my birthday STILL wants to eat my face off.
* Yesterday SG only called me 10 times. (do you think he's over me?) Edit: Make That 11
* Blogathon is less than 48 hours away - sponsor me!!!!
* I am out of Watermelon Jolly Ranchers.

Somebody please kill me...

I am still freakin' here! It's almost 3pm. I wanted to be gone by 2pm. When my drivers gets here to unload I am going to point to the floor and say lock the door on your way out, good luck! It's just not fair that my bosses are drunk at the fair, the gal that runs the other office is white water rafting, and I am stuck here waiting for time to tick tick tick away. I mean If I had something to do it would be different... but I don't. DAMN DAMN DAMN... I am going crazy!

Monday, July 23, 2007

East Side Vs. West Side

In my apartment complex we are not allowed to have pets like dogs and cats. I know. I tried that when I first moved in, got busted, and had to get rid of my cat... so now I am bitter. Mainly because, how can I become the crazy cat lady without a cat? Seriously. So, now when anyone else tries to sneak a pet in I am the pet-nazi and I rat them out to the manager. It wouldn't be so bad if the neighbor who currently has a cat was oh.. I dunno... NICE. However, they are not.

They let their toddler run about in the front yard all day and night with a golf club, so he was affectionately nicknamed "Tiger Woods". TG is a really cute kid and I want to like him, but his parents dress and act like thugs, so it's hard. His mom turns him out the back door and just kind of lets him do what he wants. At three years old. This can include a plethora of things like, hitting the bushes, windows and cars with a golf club. This can also include squishing frogs and lizards to death in your hand or with a hammer. Last but not least this can also include screaming at the top of your lungs at 10pm at night because your friend can't come out and play. This makes me want to choke, him AND his parents. The last cat they had got hit by a car because they let it run out in the busy street, what did they do with it? Threw it in the garbage dumpster... geez I had a funeral and cried over my dead hamster... these people are evil.

My next door neighbors go out into the courtyard and set up a little play are for their little girl, that includes a little baby pool and sprinklers for the kids to play in. My son joins them all the time. They, AND their children are nice, considerate and polite... everyone used to get along where I live... Until Friday night.

So there I am on the phone with SG, outside by my car when I see the nice neighbor husband go over to the thug's apartment. I then hear shouting. I slowly crept closer as I shushed SG, and told him something was going down in his old apartment. I sat there and listened. Nice neighbor husband asked the thug wife to keep their cat inside (you remember the cat they are not 'spose to have in the FIRST PLACE?) because it had been coming into their backyard and spraying on their daughter's toys. Thug wife tells nice neighbor husband it's not happening, the cat is too young to spray, she won't keep it in the house and the manager knows about the cat. The nice neighbor husband says ok fine if I see it in my yard again I am going to throw it over the fence. (I frankly think this is a fair deal myself) This enrages thug wife. Nice neighbor husband goes back in his apartment and nice neighbor wife goes over to thug wife to try and smooth things over and work out something. Thug wife proceeds to tell nice neighbor wife that she doesn't want to start trouble with her or else, and says you better leave me alone or I will fuckin' kill you.

Now things are really getting good, but before the bullets start flying I went inside and started texting Monty about SG. The next morning nice neighbor wife came over to talk to me to tell me what happened and asks if I had heard anything. Of course I had, who didn't? LOL... so the war of East Side Vs. West Side of the complex has begun.

This weekend is Blogathon, and I always have a little party to help keep me awake, and make it fun. This year we decided to have a barbeque in the courtyard and invite the west side neighbors! My blogathon barbeque may turn into a rumble... either way it should be fun!

Speaking of Blogathon why haven't you sponsored me!? Come on you KNOW you want to!

SG Update: He has currently ended things with his former girlfriend, he calls me 17 times a day (not that I mind) and thinks I am beautiful (also I do not mind). So... who knows right?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Return Of Shirtless Guy

Two Years Later...

So There I was checking my myspace, and I received an e-mail from someone named Jesse. Now The only Jesse I know is Lisa's "not boyfriend" so I assumed it was from him. I opened it up to find that it was shirtless guy! If you don't know all about shirtless guy, go read my post from two years ago. He had found me via our high school alumni page. Apparently we had gone to school together but didn't know it. Well, at least I never knew. He's probably been stalking me since then!!!

I see he's in a relationship, and they have a dog together (cause you know having a dog together makes it real) so I assume he's happy and was just saying hi. WRONGO! Yeah about the third e-mail he lets me know he made a mistake with his current girlfriend... and is homesick. Then it happens he gives me his phone number "because he hates typing". I don't call him. I figure I will give him my number, and nothing will come of it. *insert dramatic pause here* He called.

Ok I can't get guys who claim they love me and want to live happily ever after to call me, and this guy lives in another state, has a girlfriend,and stalks me... What the crap?

So The conversation is fun and light, and I don't flirt with him at all, because he STILL technically had a girlfriend. He gave me the story about why he shouldn't be with her, and why it was a mistake, etc etc.. I just said "uh huh" a lot. He just kept telling me how much he liked me when he lived here, and how I wouldn't even look at him, and when he tried to talk to me I would run away. He said that I would sprint from my apartment to my car. (I quite possibly did do that) I just never thought he was interested in me. His last girlfriend looked like Malibu Barbie, and *I* don't so it just never dawned on me. Plus his grandfather was the manager of my apartment so ya know what if things went bad? I mean I could have been forced to move from my oh so fabulous 1970's style townhouse that I love so much.

The longer we talked the more I found out we have in common and the more I wished I hadn't been so afraid of him when he lived here. However, the fact remains he has a girlfriend, and until he doesn't (if that day comes) we can only be friends.

Things happen for reasons...


...The risk of being diagnosed with cancer and the risk of dying of cancer have decreased since the early 1990s? Fewer than half the people diagnosed with cancer today will die of the disease. Some are completely cured, and many more people survive for years with a good quality of life, thanks to treatments that control many types of cancer.

That's GREAT news. However, cancer is not one disease, but many different diseases with different causes. For that reason, one breakthrough "cure for cancer" is probably not likely to come along. There probably won't be one date in history when people remember that the cure for cancer was announced - just as infectious diseases weren't conquered on one particular day. Instead, every year will bring more and more cures for more and more types of cancer.

THIS can't be done without YOUR help.
The odds are Cancer will touch you, your family or someone you know in your lifetime...Take five minutes today to sponsor me in Blogathon 2007. ALL The proceeds go directly to
The American Cancer Society, and your donation may save a life someday...Maybe yours.

I never want to see another person suffer the way I watched my father suffer from Cancer...Won't you help? Take the money you were going to spend on that cheeseburger for lunch, and help someone who is too sick to even enjoy a cheeseburger...donate now!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Me And My Gang...

August 2nd I will be 6th row for Rascal Flatts! WOO HOO!

Now many of you know that the next week is the start of fair time here in my area. I do some of my best blogging during the fair. It usually involves some fruity blinkie drinks, fanny packs and some craziness that may or may not lead to my arrest. I have never gone to the fair with Juana before so it's likely I will end up in handcuffs. I can only hope that this is something kinky and not sitting in jail watching Juana puke on herself. Cause that would be um... gross.

I know, why would I risk all of this at my age? Well... she has offered me a ticket to Rascal Flatts, 6th row center. Yes, I love country music, and yes I love Rascal Flatts, and yes I love the fair. So I said HELL YEAH!

Helpful Moving Advice
If you are moving to London, and you have important papers that you are going to need, don't pack them in a box, give them to the mover and ask for them the day before your crap gets sent overseas. Especially if you look like Malibu Barbie, and you are as dumb as a box of rocks.

1. No, I will NOT stay open late because you were stupid and unprepared.
2. No, we will not open a lift van with 150 screws in it to get out 1 carton at 4:45 pm.
2. No, we will not let you go rummage through a packed container because your crap MAY be in there
3. No, we will not let you wander about in our warehouse in flip flops (only *I* can do that)
4. No, we will not do any of this for free.
5. ...and when I give directions that include the word driveway, do not question the word like I made it up. I didn't... it's a REAL word.
You know since you go to Cal Poly(she has mentioned it 4 times- like I care or something.) and all I'd think you would know that!!!
6. I can tell YOU don't eat by the hip bones poking out of your pants, but my son does and I need to get him some lunch so don't come during my lunch hour!!

Kill me now!

Monday, July 16, 2007

So Ya Know...

Online Dating

I totally ripped this off from Luka...

but I think I am PG-13 because I link to ShittyBlogClub!

I blame Jeckles.

Free Ice Cream!

I almost didn't make it to ZooFari this year!!! Free Ice cream stations, sundaes, yogurt, and root beer floats... all you can eat for 3 hours, at the zoo... what more can you ask for?

You see I was up much too late drinking too much wine with the MPYR Girls. We were having a little webcam slumber party, complete with wigs and a drinking game. I haven't laughed so hard in so long! I sure needed that though.

I think it all started with the Triumvirate of Evil (Luka, Diz, And PanRavenDora). They decided they were going to do a little thing called Frunk Friday on the air for Friday The 13th. They ended up getting on their webcams, and doing a round robin of DJ'ness. I ended up on cam in a pink wig & hat drinking wine out of the bottle. I know... you all are thinking C L A S S Y, but J pointed out that glasses are for pussies. I think that was right about the time I proposed to him.... I'm not sure. It's all a blur. Monty popped in and provided us with some awesome tunage, even though she was neither drunk nor on cam. We added a few of our listeners, "Bacon Boy", and it all went down hill from there.

I ended up falling sleep in my contacts (that since the eye injury I shouldn't be wearing for a while anyway) and when I woke up it felt like my eye had glass in it. It felt worse than the first time! Oh yeah and I had a wicked wine hangover that made me feel kinda poopy. OY!

I went back to bed and nursed myself back to some sort of human-like state. I missed my radio show, The Hallmark Ornament premiere, and may favorite show with the cute guy that loves hash. However I was not going to miss my chance to eat tons of free ice cream and see the monkeys at the zoo. I won those ZooFari tickets fair and square and I worked hard for them! Plus I knew that my DJ friend Chad would be wandering around and this would be a good chance to catch up and hang out with a cute guy.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Everybody's Doing IT!

Wanna Know where are the kewl kids will be for Blogathon '07?

Click the little graphic above and find out!

Wanna get Sponsored?

Wanna Sponsor?

Wanna Win some Prizes?

Great Music, Great Prizes, Great Fun.

Come on Join The Empire, You KNOW you want to!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Things Happen For Reasons...

...And Sunday's Drama was meant to be.

OK So It still sucked and all... However, it's amazing what 4 days, and 17 e-mails can do to change your opinion of someone! LOL

I'm sure BB would be a catch for someone with no opinions, someone who would never debate him, and sit around lounging at his feet telling him how perfect and right he is all day. I'm NOT that kind of a girl. So I'm glad that he left the station the way he did. Like a big bold peacock flouncing his tail feathers and showing us all his true colors.

The drama was his own doing, and now maybe I understand a little more about this person, and what a bad choice it would have been to stay emotionally involved with someone who believes he is right 99% of the time.

The station that I proclaimed I hated, has created a safe haven now that he has gone. I am surrounded by friends, and people who really care about me, and the future of the station. They left on their own. I won't pretend we were "cutting dead weight" or anything like that! We had some good people who chose a different path that will ALWAYS be welcome back here at The Empire. We will decide the future of MPYR Radio together, as a big family of people who love music. It's ok, we are all little soldiers on a great big boat sailing off into the future... a new beginning.
Aye laddie!

Have you sponsored me yet?

I am going to be blogging for The American Cancer Society on July 28th. I will be posting a blog every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. Not only that but we will be broadcasting live for MORE than 24 hours since we have decided to bring some great music to The "B-Schedule" people as well.

Check out to find more great causes to give you money to.
...Cause You KNOW you Want to!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blogathon is BACK!

Blogathon 2007

Yes, that's right, because I didn't get enough punishment last year I am back for year #2 of Blogging 24 hours for charity. July 28th I will stay up and blog every 30 minutes for charity.
This year I will be blogging once again for The American Cancer Society in memory of my father who lost his battle with cancer in 1990.

Not only that but MPYR Radio will be broadcasting live for 24 hours... so stay tuned to the fun!

If you want to be added to the "Blogathon 2007 Blogroll" on my side bar let me know and I will add you!

Wanna start throwing money to my charity?
Go ahead You KNOW you want to...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Cha Cha Cha Changes...


I give up. I had hoped that "some day" BB(British Boy) and I could maybe start over and see where that goes. Last night I was feeling really good about things. He invited me to play EQII with him, and he told me he missed chatting and hanging out with me. Everything was great. We were talking about how we missed each other's company, and that neither of us had any expectations... and then BLAM... out of no where I say something that changes the course of history forever.

When I spoke those fateful words, I had no idea I was making him hate me. Making his blood run cold. You see when we originally broke up, I sent out an email to my friends who happened to be DJ's (on MPYR Radio) letting them know I was ok, what had happened and the station was fine, BB wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't going anywhere, etc etc... It was done so that no one would panic and take sides. I didn't send it to all of the DJ's as I wrote it as a personal letter, with station info in it. The three DJ's that were left off that mailing were BB, His Family, and best gal pal. I figured if he wanted to tell them we had split up, it was his place. I felt like I would have been overstepping my bounds had I sent that to them as well as it was truly not a station update. I mentioned this in passing last night as we spoke on the phone. He grew very silent and then said he had to go to bed. I knew something was wrong so I asked him. He then spoke words I never wanted to hear.

"I resign from the station, effective immediately."

I felt chills, and my stomach did big flip flops. My heart sank, and I tried to explain it wasn't a "station E-mail", to no avail. He wouldn't listen to me, he kept saying that he wanted no part of a station where people don't come to his shows because he broke up with me. I tried to explain that wasn't the case as far as I knew. He told me to take care and hung up.

I couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking how when I got out of bed this morning, it was all going to somehow be better... but it wasn't. He posted his resignation on the forums, and e-mailed me that he has no desire to be part of this anymore.

What hurts the most, is right when I got my best friend back, he doesn't even want to speak to me anymore. He has deleted everyone and everything to do with MPYR Radio, or me. He won't speak to me, he won't answer my last e-mails, he's done with me. Like I never existed.

I hate this station. I hate that I ever started it. I hate that I hate it... but I do. I hate that I hurt my best friend... but I did. Now here I am again... Brokenhearted Part 2

The only good that has come out of this is that I found out who my true friends are.