This Week's HNT is called
"Birthday Suit"
I will be 36 on Saturday!
Click HERE to join the Half Naked Thursday Party!
We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for...
I go out every Thursday night and wake up feeling like I was just run over by an insane German train engineer. (Joke---I mean about the German) It's not because I drink lots of Vodka and cranberry...Well maybe it is...but I would like to pretend that it's REALLY the fact that I only get like 3 hours of sleep. I would have gotten more sleep but the coveted "last song of the night" spot was handed to me on a silver platter, and who am *I* to look a karaoke gift horse in the mouth? So Jen and I stayed later than planned....but not before a boy asked me to dance, and Jen MADE me. Bitch.
Once upon a time, there lived a princess…
*insert insane giggling here*
*swooning again*
*Random Thought: OMG he spells things correctly!! YAY!*
*Random thought: At least it is not a wizard*
I'm tired...
You know how you got out to eat and sometimes they have coloring books for the kids? Why don't they have one for adults too? I can name a few times when that would have come in handy.