Cruisin Paso '07

What a weekend! I should start by giving you some background. Last summer during my birthday of heat, Jen and I went to Hootenanny. If you missed that story *click here*
Now at the end of that story I told you I didn't think HRG wasn't a very nice guy... It's funny how things turn out, and people you think you will be with forever turn out to be all wrong, and people you don't think you could stand to be around turn out to become life long friends? well I found out later in the year HRG actually IS a great guy, and we remained friends all year long. I will skip the details of how a certain car club that rhymes with "toad bebils" has a whole lot of craptacular members and I pretty much wish them all a slow painful death. However, HRG is kewl. Now, I am dating BB so of course nothing is going on between HRG and I, but he's a fun friend to have around, and he always comes to my area every year for a huge car show. I had plans to hang out at the car show all weekend with friends but HRG e-mailed me and said he was coming up and we should all hang out since he had left his car club. I told him he could join our posse for the weekend if he wanted.
Friday night is "Cruise night" Hot cars cruise up and down revving up their engines and the crowd as they tootle along down the main drag for people to see. HRG said I could ride with him that night so I was thrilled. I hadn't been in cruise night since my folks had their cars, and I missed it. We got lined up, and started cruising. HRG tends to be a ham, and has a pretty loud, & fast car... so of course when he let a few cars get ahead of him, he reved it up and tore off down the street. He hadn't gotten 300 feet when a cop rolled up and pulled him over in the cruise. The officer was quite charming as he said "Hey! You do that shit again and I will pull you outta this and impound your car" Man, no matter where I go "the man" is all over me! LOL There were way more people there than last year and it was a lot of fun. We added people to the car as we saw friends we knew and before long the Paso Robles heat had the car feeling like Hootenanny 'o6. We ended the night by hanging out at a friend's house for a party with some great friends, too many margaritas and the best guacamole on the planet.
Saturday morning I had to be up at the butt crack of dawn for some dress altering for my daughter's prom. I didn't have a hang over but I was insanely tired from the night before so alterations were slow, and... well let's face it. I am no seamstress! I did my radio show, cleaned up, grabbed my son and we headed out to the car show. I about tripped and fell over my chin when I noticed that HRG had been parked right next to the ex-car club, and here we were again... face to face with the very same people who I NEVER wanted to see again. This time, they were in MY town. I told HRG... there's gonna be a rumble if any of them even look at me wrong. Thankfully none of them did, cause I would have had to call Jen to kick their ass! Cause *i'm* not doing it. Cause ya know... I'm a chicken and stuff. The wind picked up and I about froze to death but we had a lot of fun. HRG's car got some new "ink". It's a good thing I was there too, otherwise he car might say "What seem to be the proble oficer" Instead of "What seems to be the problem officer?" Hey!? No one said stripers were smart, right? I guess it was a tribute to cruise night or something either way it's funny. After a huge dinner of Shrimp Scampi, I was passed out in bed by 8:30.
Whew! My vacation is over, and I am still tired, but it was so much fun seeing everyone! I can't wait for Crusin Paso '08. Maybe Next year my honey can be there and make it perfect!