I Wish I Were A Bear...

I hate Valentines day! I wish I didn't, but I do. I went into Hallmark yesterday to buy some sappy cards to send to CG while he is shacked up with a bunch of guyz in Reno. (wow that sounds bad) Everything in there screamed "You have no valentine, you ARE a loser, go home and cry". Everywhere I looked there were pink and red hearts, coupon books for all kinds of romantic nights, candles that are way too cute to burn, and a plethora of stuffed animals that said all kinds of sappy things. I was in fact, in HEAVEN.
Every year Valentines day has sucked for me. I either have no one special in my life, OR worse...I have a guy who is ANTI-Valentines. This year I am not sure what I have. I mean I have CG in Reno, but since I am only "pseudo girlfriend" I am not sure if that actually qualifies me for gift giving/receiving. He did give me a box of candy and a card on Christmas, but I know he hates Valentines day, AND he's so not sappy, so I figure I'll probably get some Burger King bucks from him. It's ok I like their onion rings...
Luckily this year it falls on a Tuesday, and I work in an office by myself, so I won't have to feel the shame of not having a massive bouquet of roses sitting on my desk. When I worked in a call center all the women (well except for StephaJew) had flowers sent to them. I think the women who weren't married had them sent to themselves so as not to be left out...but I just couldn't go that far. So This year I will work through most of the day completely oblivious, eat a lot of crappy greasy food for lunch, go home and eat a giant bag of candy conversation hearts(even though they taste like a mixture of sugar and sidewalk chalk), puke and go to bed. Then I have another 365 days to plot how I can become a bear before Valentine's Day 2007.
Every year Valentines day has sucked for me. I either have no one special in my life, OR worse...I have a guy who is ANTI-Valentines. This year I am not sure what I have. I mean I have CG in Reno, but since I am only "pseudo girlfriend" I am not sure if that actually qualifies me for gift giving/receiving. He did give me a box of candy and a card on Christmas, but I know he hates Valentines day, AND he's so not sappy, so I figure I'll probably get some Burger King bucks from him. It's ok I like their onion rings...
Luckily this year it falls on a Tuesday, and I work in an office by myself, so I won't have to feel the shame of not having a massive bouquet of roses sitting on my desk. When I worked in a call center all the women (well except for StephaJew) had flowers sent to them. I think the women who weren't married had them sent to themselves so as not to be left out...but I just couldn't go that far. So This year I will work through most of the day completely oblivious, eat a lot of crappy greasy food for lunch, go home and eat a giant bag of candy conversation hearts(even though they taste like a mixture of sugar and sidewalk chalk), puke and go to bed. Then I have another 365 days to plot how I can become a bear before Valentine's Day 2007.
now, I read the opening of this, and fromm your first line, I thought you were going to go on to say that you want to be a bear on Valentines Day so that everybody will cuddle you.
P A T H E T I C.............
well if you would stop wasting time on guys that are.. well just not that into you .... like try reading the blinking light up neon signs then you could find your David and live happily ever after.. who i might add brings me roses just because... ( brownie points and wife faction raised by 1000)
i told you move south where the men are ..... (you fill it in)
hugs be looking for those flowers :P
There is no such thing as Prince charming. There is however the next best thing and you will find him eventually.
You’ll have to read my article to see where I’m going with this but don’t wallow in self pity girl.
Valentines Day is just another commercialize holiday. It is perhaps the most commercialized holiday next to Christmas and Easter. I would much rather keep the day simple then see my husband waste over a hundred dollars on flowers and dinner.
The flowers that I receive just out of the blue or the bath he runs me when I have had a hard day is much more romantic than the commercialized holiday.
Anyway I say go out purchase yourself the flowers, candy and a bottle of techila. LOL
DEBI! there is hope for you ... My friend that lives in Atlanta had this to say in an email to me...
"Happy Valentine's Day next week. Hope it's a good one. I learned about something that I think is so funny. Atlanta has a "Bitter Ball" on V-Day for all the people who hate V-day. Thousands of people attend it, too. Isn't that funny? Can you imagine the table conversations at the Bitter Ball??"
I BOL..... see now you can have a date and fuss about all those things you don't get on V-day heheheh sorry just had to share that with you
It's valentines day?
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