It's For A Good Cause...

On July 29, hundreds of bloggers from around the world will put their endurance to the test for charity, blogging every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. This is the Sixth Annual International Blogathon, an event that creates a worldwide community for a day, serves up fascinating content, and most importantly, raises tens of thousands of dollars for dozens of charities. I have chosen to join the Blogathon 2006.
My father lost his fight with cancer in 1990. So for that reason I will be raising money for The American Cancer Society. Click the link to sponsor amount of money is too small!
(Instead of spending that $4.95 on Starbucks today...Make a difference!)
I'm glad you're blogathoning too! :) I'll add you to my sidebar!
Thanks so very, very much *smooch*
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