Did YOU Know...
...The risk of being diagnosed with cancer and the risk of dying of cancer have decreased since the early 1990s? Fewer than half the people diagnosed with cancer today will die of the disease. Some are completely cured, and many more people survive for years with a good quality of life, thanks to treatments that control many types of cancer.
That's GREAT news. However, cancer is not one disease, but many different diseases with different causes. For that reason, one breakthrough "cure for cancer" is probably not likely to come along. There probably won't be one date in history when people remember that the cure for cancer was announced - just as infectious diseases weren't conquered on one particular day. Instead, every year will bring more and more cures for more and more types of cancer.
THIS can't be done without YOUR help. The odds are Cancer will touch you, your family or someone you know in your lifetime...Take five minutes today to sponsor me in Blogathon 2006. ALL The proceeds go directly to The American Cancer Society, and your donation may save a life someday...Maybe yours.
I never want to see another person suffer the way I watched my father suffer from Cancer...Won't you help? Take the money you were going to spend on that cheeseburger for lunch, and help someone who is too sick to even enjoy a cheeseburger...donate now!
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